Sunday, September 13, 2009

Favorite Things: Websites

I'm tired of writing about daily events.  My life is rather boring on a daily basis, so I decided to write about what makes me happy.  I thought about this one day last week.  I am generally a happy person and there are so many things that I enjoy daily that add to my happiness.  Usually it's the little things that make me happy-stupid things really.  Like a funny little thought or saying, or something that makes my life easier.  So, for the next few posts (maybe more) I'm going to focus on some of those things. 

The first thing I will share is my favorite websites.  This may seem stupid to some people, but sometimes the sites make my day.  I have them listed on my blog list, so if you would like to take a peek at any of them, follow the links.

First is the I Can Has Cheezburger group of websites.  These people are funny!  They specialize in "lolz".  I have to check each of these sites every day because I always chuckle, or at least smile at something.  This includes "Lolcats"; "Loldogs"; "Roflrazzi" (funny pics of celebrities); "Totally Looks Like";  "Pundit Kitchen" (funny political pictures); the new addition: "Up Next in Sports"; "Graph Jam" (fun with graphs and charts); and my favorite: "Fail Blog".  Check these out.  Just a note of caution.  Some of the pictures contain some bad language.  When you get to the site, you have to click the link that says "G-rated Pics and Movies Only" to have them filtered.  

A new site that I have recently come across is "There, I Fixed It".  This is a site for "epic kludges & jury rigs".  There are pictures of things that people have tried to "fix" themselves.  Some are quite clever, but most just make you shake your head and ask "why?".  It's always good for a laugh.

Another favorite is "Emails From Crazy People".  This hits a little too close to home sometimes, because I think that everyone has received that email from someone that you just need to share-with the world.  I have had quite a few of these in the recent past and every day I consider submitting them to the site.  I have learned that the person who usually rants about you being crazy and needing mental help is usually the pot: "Hello, Kettle?  Yeah...ummm, you're black".  Click.  A funny site that makes whatever you deal with on a daily basis seem like a walk in the park.  It always makes me feel better to know that there are people out there who have to deal with the "crazies" also.

I also enjoy reading "Cake Wrecks" daily.  I know a few of my friends like this site and also follow religiously.  I was going to submit the toilet cake that my friend Wendi made, just because I wanted to share how awesome it was.  Then I thought that people might think I was calling it a "wreck" and it totally isn't-it's just a really funny cake that people are still talking about!

Another site that I follow is "Dooce".  Heather Armstrong is a very outspoken ex-Mormon who is very vocal about her views on the church.  I know, that seems like an odd site for me to frequent, because I am Mormon don't agree with her on those views.  It is not an anti-Mormon site, she just happens to be open about her opinions.  I follow this site because she is funny.  She writes about motherhood, depression, her dogs, her family-you name it.  If it happens in her life, she will probably tell you about it in the most amusing way possible.  I started reading this site when I was going through my divorce.  I stumbled across it one day and something that she said made me laugh.  I needed to laugh at that point in my life, so I started following.  Three years later I still check up on her site every day.  It's not a site that I expect many people to follow, especially my Mormon friends, but it has meaning to me so I had to share.

I follow "Sexy People".  I know, but it's not like it sounds.  Sexy People showcases photos of people that have been submitted (in most cases) by the person themselves.  Do you have a picture that you are just too embarrassed to show anyone?  I do.  It's my 9th grade school photo.  If you knew me then, or have it in your yearbook, then you know what I'm talking about.  These people send in their "I can't believe I looked like that" pictures so that everyone can see that no one is perfect.  I like this site because it focuses on the aspect that we're all human.  Their tag line is "a celebration of the perfect portrait".  It isn't making fun of people in a mean way, it's people making fun of themselves. I love it!

The last site is "C Jane Enjoy It".  I started reading C Jane after her sister (NieNie) was in a plane crash.  I loved her writing, her enthusiasm, and especially her faith.  A new mother herself, C Jane took on the added responsibility of caring for her sister's children during the long recovery process.  She has a magical writing style that takes you into her world.  She is open about her life: her struggles, joys, triumphs, and even disappointments.  Take a look and see what she has to offer.

That's it for the sites, but I can't forget the most important sites I check every day.  Those are the sites of my friends and family.  I love that my blog list moves the recent updates to the top.  I always know when someone has updated their blog.  I enjoy reading about the things that go on in their lives.  It is a great way to keep in touch with people I rarely see in person.  

So, if you have a site that you'd like to share-let me know! I love adding checking out cool sites that are informative or enjoyable.  As you can tell from my list, most of my sites are funny-that's just my personality.  This means that I need people to help me broaden my horizons in that department.  Share your favorite sites with me-leave it in the comments!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Okay, so I FINALLY did it.  I finished school.  I know-I've talked about finishing so much that I'm sure people were beginning to think that I wasn't actually in school.  It was probably something that most of my friends and family whispered about behind my back: "Just nod your head and smile.  She's been talking about this 'school' thing for a year now".  Well.  I actually was in school and I really did finish.  I swear.  I did 40 credits in one year.  I don't feel any different and I don't even get a pay raise.  All I get is the satisfaction of knowing that I accomplished something that I set out to do.  Now I am going to take some time off of school and "rest".  I have lists.  Lists of things I want to do.  Lists of things I need to do.  Lists of things I don't really want to do, but should because I am an adult (kind of).

I have always talked about jumping right into my Master's program when I finished the BSN, but I have decided to put that off for a bit.  Not because I'm sick of school (but I am really sick of it!), but because I'm not sure what I want to do.  I know that I want to continue and go for the Master's, but I don't know which field of study.  I need to get a little bit more experience before I can decide on a program.  So, for now I'm going to enjoy my dogs, my new toys and getting my house organized.  Not really sure how to live without being in school.  I've been doing it for six years, now.  I guess I get to learn about that, too!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Here Wii Go!!!

Okay, so I know I said I wasn't going to get my Wii until I finished school, but I'm reeeaaallllyyy close! Doesn't that count?  I bought my Wii :).  I couldn't help it-I needed something fun to do.  Can I just say that I LOVE the Wii?  I really wanted to get it mainly for Guitar Hero, but they didn't have any of the band sets when I went.  So, I settled for the console with the Wii Sports, an extra controller and nunchuk and then I bought the Wii Sports Resort.  I didn't think I'd have so much fun with the Sports Resort, but I really enjoy it!  I will finish school this weekend, though.  I have two papers left to do, and I have half of each of them done.  Then I can buy the Guitar Hero band set (Wal-Mart has them on sale for $99!!).  I have figured out how to play most of the games while sitting on the couch.  Mostly because when I stand up, both dogs are under my feet-I have stepped on poor little Macie too many times to count.

I think I'm done with major purchases for a little bit.  Except for my bookcases-I really need those!  I have 10 boxes of books in my garage that I miss reading-plus they take up way too much room in the garage.  I'm really gonna have to stay in my house now-I won't have room to put all my crap if I move to a smaller place!

I have been trying to potty train Macie and it's a little hit and miss (literally).  She does well with peeing outside or on the pad-sometimes.  She has not gotten the concept of pooping anywhere but on my floor.  We're working on that.  Levi also has a bad habit of "cleaning up" after her poo (if you know what I mean).  Let's just say that Levi is no longer allowed to lick my face!  I am torn between cleaning it up myself, or letting him go at it.  I mean, he does a really good job of it!  That is one of the reasons I have decided to keep them apart while I'm gone.  They also eat each other's food.  Levi will only eat Macie's food and Macie will eat anything that she can get in her little mouth.  The other day I caught her dragging the kitchen rug around! It's got to weigh more than her!  Crazy little puppy!  She's way too cute to stay mad, though-I'm like one of those parents.  Could you imagine if I had kids?  People at work are starting to get sick of looking at pictures and videos of my dogs.  Uggghhh!  I can't believe I do it-or that I admitted I do it!  Well, it's only been a week-it'll wear off and everyone will be safe from the stories, pictures and videos...

Sunday, August 16, 2009


I have been talking for weeks about getting another dog (or maybe even a cat) so Levi can have some company.  I started taking him to the Mountains with me-not because I'm one of those dog people-but because I wanted to start getting him used to being around people.  He is a VERY jumpy little guy and his history of abuse tends to make him afraid of anyone but me.  I have been trying to get him out of his little cocoon and I thought that maybe a little brother or sister would be nice.  I was mulling over the idea this weekend while camping with the family, and kept asking people if they thought I should go ahead and get a dog.  It was something that I thought would be decided in the future (like in the next 6 months, or so!).  Well, I took Lauren and Shelby to Cedar City to go shopping on Saturday.  As we drove into the Wal-Mart parking lot, we saw two girls with a box that said "PUPPIES 4 SALE".  Usually I am against doing business with people who use numbers in place of words (too, to=2), but we decided to stop and just look.  They were selling THE cutest puppies-EVER! They are Pug Apso puppies (a mix between a Pug and a Lhasa Apso).  There was one little boy that was short haired and the rest were all long haired and kind of ugly.  We all took turns holding the little boy (he looked more pug than lhaso apso) and fell in love.  Then I asked the price-No Way!  They wanted $375 for the little guy and his brothers and sisters!  We were about to walk away and I looked in the box and saw what had to be the runt of the litter.  I picked her up and noticed that she had longer hair, but the cutest little body.  The girls told me that they were actually selling her for a lot less because she was blind in one eye.  She only has one eye!  The other eye is just a little slit that has what is left of an eyeball that you can see if you pry it open.  That caught me.  How do you help a dog who needs lots of love and attention because he has problems?  Get him a little sister that has some of her own problems.  I have a soft spot in my heart for these little guys that most people wouldn't want to take home.  Everyone wants the dog that has no problems and won't be a burden.  I want the other ones-the "under dog".  My family couldn't understand why I would pay for a dog that has only one eye.  Well, I just fell in love with her.  And so has Levi!  

As I type this, she is lying on the ground between my feet-fast asleep.  She has the cutest little face and that little puppy bounce when she runs.  I don't see a dog with one eye-I see a dog that has the potential to bring a lot of love into my home.  (I also see an Ewok when I look at her. How old am I? When I told the girls that, Shelby said "what's an Ewok?".  I said, "you know-from Star Wars".  No clue!)

My little Ewok with only one eye:

Welcome to your new home little Macie...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Cedar City

I went to Cedar City last weekend.  Going again this weekend, too.  It's nice knowing that you have weekends off.  Just one of the perks of the new job.  :)
I went with my parents and two nieces (the only two I have!).  My parents promised the girls a long time ago that they would take them up to see a play at the Shakespeare Festival.  We saw The Secret Garden.  Beautiful play; I may have even cried at the end.  I loved the book when I was younger and I think my sixth grade teacher showed us the movie.  We all needed a little synopsis on the way there, so I pulled out the trusty iPhone and looked it up on Wikipedia.  The girls liked it and they even understood it-better than the teenage girls sitting behind us.  They are 11 an 12 and they got it quicker than these 14 and 15 year-olds! It had minimal scenery and props. I LOVE when they leave more to your imagination: it's like reading a book.  It was like Our Town in the scenery department. If you've never seen that, it's a 2 or 3 hanky play! I also noticed that they are doing Our Town again this fall.  If anyone is interested in going, let me know! 

We saw the play on Friday night. I was supposed to go to Harry Potter with Laura on Friday night, but I got my weekends mixed up and forgot all about the play and going out of town.  Dork!!  I thought I was going to have a nice long weekend at home-I still haven't even seen HP!  Anyway, we went up Friday morning and set up camp (we always stay at my parent's lot by Cedar Breaks, where their trailer is parked) and then went back to town for dinner and the play.  Saturday was spent lounging (for me) and exploring (for my dad and the girls).  I was still trying to get used to not sleeping during the day.  I brought a book to read and I just sat and read or napped most of the day.  We drove home Saturday night and dropped the girls off at home.  I think I heard more girl giggles in two days than I have in a lifetime.  I was raised with all boys and I was never into the giggling thing (I think).  Those girls were non-stop!!  It was good to see them enjoy themselves and get to know each other a little better.  Lauren has 3 brothers and all of her cousins that live in town are boys.  Shelby has 1 brother and Lauren is her only girl cousin.  Too many little boys in our family!!  

This weekend I'm taking Levi with me, so we will go for walks and he can run around and explore.  Levi can't stay in the trailer (potty issues) so we will be staying in a tent.  Doug is going and taking his dog, Bean, so Levi will have some company.  Doug watches Levi for me when I go out of town, so Levi and Bean have gotten to be pretty good friends.

Here is a video of the girls giggling (of course).  We went to eat at Winger's in Cedar and there was a guy sitting near us that was very loud and, ummm.....flamboyant??  I guess that's a good word.  They were having a hard time focusing on dinner when they could hear every word this guy was saying.  I have to admit-it was pretty funny!

They didn't know that I was taping them.  They thought I was just snapping pictures (love that feature on the new iPhone!).  So, they were a little surprised in the middle when I told them that I was recording.

That's all for now.  I have pictures on my camera from the trip; I just can't find my camera right at the moment.  Oh well, that will be a post for another day...

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Good Life

Wow. I start back in the OR in a little over 1 week!  I'm excited, but it's a bittersweet move.  I will really miss all of the amazing people that I have been able to work with in L&D for the last year.  They are some great people-I laugh every day.  It makes the 12 hour shifts not too bad...  I will miss interacting with patients (some of them).  I will still be able to get a little face-to-face time with patients, just not the same patient for 12 hours! I have decided that my impatience has edged it's way into my work.  I am not a "give a pill and wait to see what happens" kind of person.  I am the "cut them open, fix it up and make it right" kind of person.  I believe that the OR is in my blood, and for right now-it's where I belong.  I'm not sure where it will lead me. It may be a jumping off point for other great and amazing things, or I may stay there for many years to come.  That's the great thing about nursing-you never know where you will end up!

Speaking of nursing.... I am supposed to be finishing up most of my classes for my BSN right now.  I know, I've mentioned before what a slacker I am, but I have 4 days off and I plan to lock myself in my office and write, write, write!!  I am finished with 2 classes-I have 3 more to go and 2 final exams and then I'm done.  Technically I have until September 1 to finish, but they set a completion date about 6 weeks before then so that we have time to get assignments back and revise anything that needs a revision.  I REALLY want to finish before I start in the OR, just so I can enjoy my evenings and not have to come home every day worrying about assignments.

I have officially been a nurse for 1 year!  I passed my NCLEX exam on July 3 last year. What a roller coaster of a year-personally and professionally.  July 3 was also supposed to be my tentative wedding date.  I thought a lot about that this past week.  It just wasn't right.  I think I was upset at first, but now I can clearly see that I was more excited about the change that would take place in my life than the person that would make that change happen.  Does that make sense?  It has nothing to do with him, he just wasn't the right one for me.  I know now that staying where I am is the right decision for me.  My mom and I were discussing this a few weeks ago and I told her that I had known in the back of my mind that it wasn't right.  She said that when I first got back there to visit, I told her that I could see myself living there and that I felt comfortable.  She's right-I did envision myself there, but not with him.  It was the environment that I was excited about.  I just got caught up in the adventure.  I need to be more careful in the future and not be so impatient (which is something I have been working on my entire life).  My decision to get married was more of a practical decision.  In my mind I was thinking more about having the life I wanted instead of paying attention to my true feelings.  I think any future guys will have to wait a LONG time before I make any commitments.  I made myself that promise-that I wouldn't jump into anything too quickly.  I really am happy where I am and doing what I'm doing.  I love my life and don't really want it to change.  I am just excited to see what is around every corner!  I am excited to be out of school-it has been a long six years.  I want to start to enjoy my life with friends (new and old) and experience some things that I have been unable to do because I have been tied down by school.  Life is good, my friends.  Life is good.  :)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Cereal Killer

I think I've been watching too much TV during the day.  I have noticed something that has taken me over 30 years to actually ponder.  How do advertisers for kids cereal decide if their "pitchman" will be good or bad?  Think about it...  The Trix Rabbit isn't allowed to have Trix-EVER.  Those kids will blow him up before letting him taste their cereal.  Selfish little brats. What's the harm in sharing a little with the poor bunny?  Cookie Crisp has a crook that's always trying to steal the cookies, while Cap'n Crunch is bringing a variety of crunchiness to the kids (after he turns them into pirates-aaarrrggg).  Barney is always coming up with a way to steal Fred's Pebbles, be they chocolate or fruity.  The one I can't figure out is Lucky from Lucky Charms.  The kids can't ever catch him, but they still get the cereal?  Why do they care about the Leprechaun after they get the cereal?  Speaking of Lucky, how many freaking charms can they fit in that cereal, anyway!  Sheesh-why don't they just make it a marshmallow cereal and throw out the few pieces of actual "whole grain" cereal?  Toucan Sam leads the kids to Fruit Loops with his beak, but is he allowed to eat it?  Then we have the pitchmen who just try to convince the kids that their cereal is the best.  We never really know if they eat it themselves.  Perhaps in their trailers after shooting the commercial, they sit down with a nice big bowl of cereal.  Or maybe they go out for steak and lobster (they are famous, after all).  Tony the Tiger teaches the kids that if they want to go out and play sports and kicks the butts of the other team (with great sportsmanship, of course) they need to eat a heaping bowl of sugar-covered corn flakes.  Wouldn't oatmeal be just as good, maybe even better?  Apple Jacks now has the little Jamaican Cinnamon Stick and the Apple that fight over who is better.  Have you ever tasted those?  I don't recall ever tasting apples or cinnamon.  In fact, wasn't that one of their commercials a few years ago?  Kids don't care that they don't taste like apples, they just love them!  I do think that the best cereal commercial out there is the one for Corn Pops.  You know the one?  With the giant mouth attacking the Corn Pop "citizens" in their little city?  Complete with subtitles and everything-awesome!  Now that's some good advertising.  Every time I see it, I want to run out and buy some Pops.  Like the mouth says: "Gotta have my Pops..."!